As you probably know from your vehicle’s ever-extending warranty and all those surprise refunds you’ve received, financial fraud is on the rise.   Below is a content campaign I wrote for Northeast CU on recognizing and remedying some of the most com

Content Pieces

A dot-com can’t truly be complete without some content. I’ve written some — primarily for financial institutions and the Ordoro Blog — that’s built to inform, engage, and (hopefully) entertain the audience.

 As you probably know from your vehicle’s ever-extending warranty and all those surprise refunds you’ve received, financial fraud is on the rise.   Below is a content campaign I wrote for Northeast CU on recognizing and remedying some of the most com

As you probably know from your vehicle’s ever-extending warranty and all those surprise refunds you’ve received, financial fraud is on the rise.

Below is a content campaign I wrote for Northeast CU on recognizing and remedying some of the most common schemes out there.

How to Fight Off Tax Fraud

Avoiding Romance Scams

4 Quick Tips for Preventing Identity Theft

You Should Know: The Zelle® Fraud Scam

 Here’s an example of some longform content I’ve written. The industry — order fulfillment — can be a little complicated and daunting. Each guide’s purpose was to remedy that issue by presenting clear-cut and digestible content that explained various

Here’s an example of some longform content I’ve written. The industry — order fulfillment — can be a little complicated and daunting. Each guide’s purpose was to remedy that issue by presenting clear-cut and digestible content that explained various parts of the fulfillment process.

Outsourced Fulfillment Guide

Packaging Guide

View all Guides

 In contrast to the straightforwardness of the guides, the tone across the Ordoro Blog was a mix of informative, conversational, and at times playful. Post topics ranged anywhere from emerging trends and how-to’s to recently released features and cro

In contrast to the straightforwardness of the guides, the tone across the Ordoro Blog was a mix of informative, conversational, and at times playful. Post topics ranged anywhere from emerging trends and how-to’s to recently released features and cross-blogs from business partners.

Two Ecommerce Fulfillment Models For Complete Control — Informative

Finding That Perfect 3PL — Playful

Sales Tax 101 For Online Sellers — Cross-Blog